EN "Welcome to the world of desperate struggle and dark deeds that feed this struggle! Now we will instruct you on how to take the first steps as an illegal arms dealer.\n First of all, select your transport aircraft by clicking on its name in the list on the right panel." "It is your only aircraft now. Later you can expand your fleet and purchase not only airplanes, but also ships. Dry cargo and container ships have an impressive capacity, but require significant maintenance costs!\n Now rightclick on Fauvillers Air Base in Belgium to send your plane there." The plane has landed! Now let's buy some, hmmm, waffles. Click on the territory of Belgium to open the trade window. Here you can make illegal deals with some dishonest military men. Do not forget to spend money on making the relations with them better - later it will give you access to more advanced types of weapons. And now buy at least 1 copy of any weapon. "Fine. Now it's time to look for customers! As you can see, there are several intense conflicts in the world right now. Let's visit South Sudan, where the local tribes are trying to secede from the Arab North.\n Make sure your plane is selected, and then rightclick on the conflict icon in South Sudan." Here we are! The plane has landed safely on a god-forgotten runway (last time it was probably used by the British during World War II). Now click on the conflict icon. Let's start trading untill the locals take the plane for parts! "Here you can see the information about the conflict. You can sell weapons to either side and even to both of them in turn. But keep in mind that by having deals with one side you spoil the relationship with the opposite!\n Now select one of the parties of the conflict by clicking the button below it. In the window that appears set the price and number of weapons, and then click the 'Sell' button." Fine! You've learned the basics and now you can safely dive into the abysses of this risky business. Later the number of conflicts and types of weapons will only increase, so keep up the track and expand your business! Good luck!